
State Government Recognition will be proceed by Sanjary Educational Academy Society for required branch on behalf of Franchisee

The Sanjary Public School & SanjaryrKids International Pre School franchise opportunity is the best stepping stone towards achieving your Secondary School, Pre– School Goal. With an experienced management and a professional team experts to guide you.
We offers you an investment friendly . Additionally we will assist you to partner with us as Branch of Sanjary Public School & SanjaryKids International Pre School and start your journey today.

Sanjary Public School

All You Need:

  • Franchise Fee Rs. 20 lakhs for 5 years
  • School Area as per Govt. Norms
  • Royalty : 15% per student An Investment: as actual Long term vision

Sanjarykids International Pre School

All You Need:

  • Franchise Fee Rs. 5 lakhs for 5 years
  • School Area: 1500 – 2500 sq. feet
  • Royalty : 15% per student an investment of Rs. 12-15 lakhs
    Long term vision.

Why Sanjary Public School

Infrastructure & Ambience Design

Lead Management Support

Marketing & Operational Support

Teacher Training & Assessment

Digital Education

Milestones Achievement & Academic Progress Report

Researched International Pre - School Curriculum

Marketing & Operational Support

Certified Pre – School Teacher , If rquired

Equipment Teaching Aids

Here, you learn how to live.

Enroll for a new admission on or before May 2024.